
Ralph Cameron, Electrical Technology ’55
“It’s hard to believe where the time went. The changes Ryerson has undergone since 1955 are formidable. May those surviving keep well. I hope they are all enjoying retirement as I am. I’ve been married 53 years and plan to move to an apartment next year. I recall being on transmitter duty at CJRT the night of Hurricane Hazel, and returning home with flooding and downed trees.”
William Green, Electrical Technology ’55
“At 85-years-young, I am still participating in church activities, am a member of two committees in our local Rotary Club, on the executive of our Men’s Probus Club, and an active veteran in the Veterans Memorial Legion Br. 498 in Grand Bend.”
Don Laughton, Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Administration ’55
“I spent 40 years in business, then volunteered for more than 20 years, including heading up the creation of the Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre, chairing Community Living Mississauga, and volunteering full-time for 18 years at Kerry’s. I was named Mississauga’s Citizen of the Year in 1990.”
Fred Messacar, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering ’53
“I graduated at the tender age of 19. Ryerson graduates were greatly sought after as technicians of the highest calibre. I was hired by Canada’s largest paint company and became the senior systems designer, analyst and programmer of the corporate mainframe. I have been retired for 27 years. My most important successes are my three children, seven grandchildren, and nine great-grandchildren. Success and happiness do exist in the heart more so than in the workplace.”
Renton Patterson, Electrical Technology ’55
“After graduation, I worked at CGE and later became a teacher of electricity. My high school students converted an MG sports car, a boat, and then a brand new 1977 Dodge Aspen station wagon to electric drive. I subsequently purchased a 2012 Nissan Leaf electric car, a Princecraft BRIOe electric pontoon boat and finally a 2018 Tesla Model 3. My sincere early belief in electric transportation has been vindicated.”
Alan Bender, Business ’69
“Married, with two amazing kids, and three amazing grandchildren, I’m currently celebrating 48 years in business interiors, specializing in healthcare, corporate, commercial interior design, build, renovations and furnishings.”
James (Jim) Hopkinson, Electrical Technology ’65
“I married after graduation. We raised two daughters and now have a grandson. I joined the engineering department at Allis Chalmers in Guelph and then worked in the field with their dealers, later joining one of them for the rest of my career. I’ve been retired for 10 years. I’ve enjoyed singing barber shop harmony as a hobby for the past 50 years.”
Don Lawrence, Architecture ’65
“After graduation, I spent four years with various architectural firms, and branched out into sales with the manufacturer Modernfold. I later co-founded Lawrence-Paine Limited and we were the Modernfold distributor for 25 years. I sold my interest in 2003 and retired. My wife and I moved from Toronto to Lakefield, where we pursued golf, curling, boating and travel. I also drove a school bus for Lakefield schools for 13 years. Sadly, I was widowed in 2019, but I still pursue my interests, including taking a seven-week trip to Australia and New Zealand this past winter, arriving home just in time to enter 14 days of quarantine.”
Brian MacLellan, Business ’60
“I’ve been retired for 25 years after a 35-year career with my first employer, John Deere Limited, in Hamilton, Ont. I married my beautiful wife, Hope, in 1962. We have two beautiful children, Sandra, and David, and are proud grandparents of five university graduates. Our grandson, Madison Trueman, recently graduated in business from Ryerson on the president’s honour list. I’ve continued curling, now going on 65 years, participating in provincial and Canadian championships.”
Nick Prokopchuk, Mechanical Technology ’65
Nick worked at Algoma Steel and retired after 35 years of service. He drove a school bus for 15 years after retirement, and taught aviation hydraulics at Sault College for four years.
Anthony Bishop, Hotel and Restaurant ’70
Anthony retired as a business instructor at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Edmonton. He and his wife celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in July.
Richard Boulton, Journalism ’70
“I was delighted to receive my 50th anniversary Ryerson Alumni gold pin. I worked in my chosen field for 36 years, and joined the City of Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation department in 2006, where I am still employed at age 74, as a customer service rep. I’m also teaching chess. I worked for the Leafs for five years as editor of the souvenir program, along with the Blue Jays, Argos and Winnipeg Jets. I served 13 years as feature sportswriter with TV Guide and travelled around the world to cover eight World Cups and five European soccer championships. I still have my stories from the daily Ryersonian student newspaper from the 1960s!”

Richard Boulton.